How to Inject Akebi
How to install Akebi for Genshin Impact
Last updated
How to install Akebi for Genshin Impact
Last updated
Step By Step Tutorual
Akebi does not work if the game is installed through the Epic Games
Step 1
:Download Akebi loader - Click
Step 2
: After downloading, unzip the archive into a folder
Make sure that you comply with all the requirements below from the list
It is desirable to name the folder in English characters only
Do not create a folder in the game or launcher folder
Do not create a folder in the OneDrive directory
Make sure that the path to the folder contains only English characters
✔️Good: С:\Games\Cheats\Akebi\Akebi.exe
❌Not Good: С:\Games\^4%错Читы\Akebi\Akebi.exe
Step 3
: Preparing for launch (installing the necessary libraries and disable security)
Step 4
: Run Akebi
Run the .exe file from our folder
Wait when we are asked to specify the path to GenshinImpact.exe
The path will look like this
Your path\Genshin Impact game\GenshinImpact.exe
After specifying the path to the file, wait for the game to run
As soon as you see that the game is running, switch it to windowed mode by ALT+ENTER
key combination
Wait for the console to appear to enter the key
As the console appears, insert the key you bought into it and press ENTER
The console will show you in a couple seconds that the key has been successfully activated and will show you how much time is left until the key expires.
After the console closes after a couple seconds.
Now wait 10-20 seconds in the main menu of the game and press F1
or FN+F1
you should see the read menu and this means that the cheat has successfully injected